The history of our company, begins on 08 November 1939, when the Ministry of Industry authorizes D. JOSE GIL VILLAGRASA (1893) to put in operation a machine to break almonds, with a production of 800 kg in 24 hours.
His son, D. FRANCISCO (1925), took charge of the company in July 1963 and five years later, he raised a modern building with three floors and new machinery to produce more.
In 1980, the company was constituted in Limited Company, with D. FRANCISCO and two of his sons JOSE MARIA and JUAN CARLOS, who five years later moved the business to an industrial area with 7,000 '- m2, where today is located, with a building of 3,000' - m2.
In 1990, D. FRANCISCO retires and takes his shares his son JOAQUIN.
The latest enlargement and renovation of machinery, was made in 2005, with computerized machines and modern facilities in our industry, with a capacity of breaking over 80,000’- kg of inshell almonds in 24 hours, and an amount of experiences gained from 1939.
At present, our company FRUTOS SECOS GIL, SL, wants to open its doors to the world through this web.